Czechtek 2007 »
Vzhledem k tomu, ze situace kolem Czechteku je dale neudrzitelna,
dosli zastupci ceske freetekno komunity k tomuto rozhodnuti:
Letos a s nejvetsi pravdepodobnosti uz ani nikdy v budoucnu se zadna
akce v rozsahu a pod nazvem CZECHTEK neuskutecni.
A to z techto důvodů :
- Postupna likvidace puvodnich myslenek freetekna
- Parazitismus subjektu nesouvisejicich se scenou vcetne valne
vetsiny samotnych ucastniku.
- Neschopnost a neochota respektovat elementarni principy
chovani ve svobodném prostoru.
In regard of the fact that the situation around CZTK is not
bearable anymore, the representatives of czech freetekno
community came to this radical decision.
This year, and possibly even never again, any action of the
size and under the name "CzechTek" will not be realized.
These are the reasons:
- the gradual abolition of original ideas of free tekno
- parasitic behavior of subjects not connected to the scene
including major part of visitors themselves
- disability and reluctance to respect elementary principles
of behavior in a shared space
k prohlaseni se pripojili:
Oktekk, Strahov, NSK, AKA.IO, Komatsu, Spiritual, Mayapur,
Layka, Pentatonika, Merkur, Fatal Noise, Matchbox, Luxor,
Circus Alien, Vosa, Bazooka, Koryto, Shamanic, Zuqwa,
Czajovna, Figura, Machine Works, Metro, Ultimate Crew,
Basswood, Mutaphone, FDM, Jednota, TMC, NabaziGangoo, Massive
Elementz, UANDU Tribe, MHD, Hondzik Sound, Witacid, Iluzor,
Detox23, Pandemic, Spectro, Radiator, Swampsound, Gummo,
EskanoiZZe, Tsunami, Yaga, Synthetik, MiMiK, Squakka, Mandala,
Alkaline, Dynamodestroy, Triptekk, Tekkirk, Remek, FSS, Shadow
cabaret, Invaders, Mushroom, Bassmekk, Swazarm, Techamin,
Laydakk, Othersidesystem, Inkognito, T2B, Mikro, Kou-Tek,
v pripade, ze chcete pripojit svuj podpis, napiste na